Here are a couple of videos of the Emu modular I just bought. Its been fixed by Andy Horrell because the very early (1973) digital sequencer wasn't working properly. Its a quirky thing at the best of times, but at least I can explore the possibilities it presents knowing that its working right and I'm not going mad. I actually managed to get hold of the legendary Dave Rossum who invented the Emu Modular and is still making really interesting instruments. He was able to help Andy debug the modules because there don't seem to be any schematics online for these first generation versions. The first video is a simple enough sequence, the second video is the same pattern but messed with using some other voltage processing modules. Its going to be a fun ride
Monday, 27 March 2017
Memory Modules
Here are a couple of videos of the Emu modular I just bought. Its been fixed by Andy Horrell because the very early (1973) digital sequencer wasn't working properly. Its a quirky thing at the best of times, but at least I can explore the possibilities it presents knowing that its working right and I'm not going mad. I actually managed to get hold of the legendary Dave Rossum who invented the Emu Modular and is still making really interesting instruments. He was able to help Andy debug the modules because there don't seem to be any schematics online for these first generation versions. The first video is a simple enough sequence, the second video is the same pattern but messed with using some other voltage processing modules. Its going to be a fun ride
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