Sunday, 29 January 2012

Moon Base Beta

I just found this great blog by the designer of the recent scifi film Moon. I love this movie, its one of my favourite 'ambient films' [I like putting it on in the background while i'm working]. All the design in this film amazing, especially the moon base where Sam lives. I might use it for inspiration when I build my next house...

Here is a 3d render that Gavin Rothery made, but I took the liberty of adding some music from Space 1999:


  1. "Moon" was a marvellous movie - written and directed by David Bowie's son, Duncan Jones, I believe. Love this render. And another Blogspot added to my list :-)

  2. Inspiring stuff.I also love "Moon".Great music there Ben.

  3. I love Moon but this reminds me even more of the sets for Alien.

  4. yes brian i agree. i love ron cobb's work on the nostomo. if i was having a spaceship built i would get him to design it
