Saturday, 1 October 2011

Touch £2.99

I discovered something really good today. Theres an app called touchOSC which is designed to let you build midi controllers for the iPad. The iPad sits between your computer and the midi device, using the computer to build the controller which it connects to with wifi, and it needs bit of hardware to connect to the midi device. I chose a Line6 midiMobilizer because it was only £30. It goes in the usb slot on the iPad and has midi in and out cables. I wanted to recreate a Buchla touch plate scenario, and kind of got about half way there. What I really need is the Buchla 225e midi decoder / preset manager because then I could send out a lot more control data to the modules. I had to make do with just note on / off / pitch and one other CC parameter. Actually the touchOSC software / hardware setup is really easy and intuitive, and I'm going to be doing a lot more work on setting things up, but here is my basic £2.99 version of the Buchla 114 Touch Controlled Voltage Source . (BTW, if there seems to be latency between the iPad and the Buchla, theres not - its youtube's fault)


  1. do you think if you could share that template?

  2. sure here you go:

    let me know if you use it!
