Just been flicking through a book I just got on amazon called Strange Sounds by Mark Brend. Its a really interesting examination of the weirder side of pop-history, with coverage of some very cool vintage instrumental inventions such as the Phonogene, a primative sampler designed by Pierre Shaeffer. Picture two is of Korg's first ever product, the Donca Matic drum machine of 1963. What is cool about both those products is the cute little keyboards on them, something every piece of technology should have IMO. The last pic is of the Ondes Martenot, this one being owned by the awesome Barry Gray, so to hear it just tune in to an episode of Thunderbirds, Stingray, Fireball XL5, Joe 90, or Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons and you might get lucky. Or listen to this track from the CD that comes with the Strange Sounds book
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